Welcome to Wilson KIA

Welcome to Wilson KIA

Wilson KIA

Service Dept.

Trained Technicians on Hand

Whether we are changing your oil or replacing your brakes, we always maintain the highest standards for delivering the best service possible, every time!

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See what our customers say

"awesome staff, I would not take my car anywhere else. I have been very satisfied for the last 20 years with this company"
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DealerRater - Oct 24, 2023 -
"Great business… This is my second time purchasing a new vehicle with Kathy. Professional service and great courtesy team. "
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DealerRater - Oct 23, 2023 -

Located at 221 Mar-Lyn Drive
Brandon, MS 39042

Welcome to Wilson KIA

Kia Car Dealerships in Jackson, MS

If you’re in the Jackson area, come to your local Kia dealership—Wilson KIA! We have a large selection of new and used vehicles, a friendly finance department, expert technicians, and all the parts you need for your vehicle. Our large inventory offers the latest new Kia models at great prices. Find the Kia Sorento, the Kia Telluride, the Kia Carnival, the Kia Soul, or another model that you’ve always wanted. It’s all a part of being your favorite car dealership in the Brandon, MS area!

How to Save Money at Your Kia Dealership in Mississippi

Getting into a Kia model is even easier if you fill out our online Kia finance application. We’ll do the work to get the best available loan rate available to you. At Wilson KIA it’s our mission to deliver the best customer service, and that’s why we offer special Kia programs, vehicle incentives, and Kia specials. We want to be the car dealership in Jackson, MS, that not only has the Kia you want but also offers the prices you love.

Your Full-Service Kia Dealership in Jackson, MS

Our dealership is ready to help you with any vehicle service needs. If your vehicle is in need of a service, schedule your Kia service appointment today. You can also order parts conveniently online. At Wilson KIA, we know it’s important to keep your vehicle lasting for many miles on Brandon streets, and we dedicate all our services to you and your driving needs. It’s all part of being your preferred service center and car dealership in Brandon, MS.

Let Wilson KIA Be Your Kia Dealership in Jackson, MS!

If you have any questions on parts, services or vehicles contact Wilson KIA online or stop by our dealership located at 221 Mar-Lyn Drive, Brandon, MS. We’re excited to work with you soon, and look forward to helping you with all of your automotive needs.

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Wilson KIA 32.3368362, -90.0968046.